Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trailer Rush: Kick-A**

It's always a lot of fun to see films from lesser known comic book franchises come to the big screen, one of the latest is comic book writer, Mark Millar's Kick-A** (the last word, just use your imagination). It's the comedic story of a bunch of ordinary humans, like ourselves, who decide to become superheros, even though they have no real heroic abilities. The second trailer for the film has hit the internet, take a look:

I can't really explain it other than I think this film looks hilarious, as a longtime fan of comic books, it's a lot of fun to see someone making fun of all the things I typically love about superheros. Not to mention the film has McLovin in it as a superhero, which is worth the price of admission itself, but it's also got Nic Cage as a superhero? This movie just couldn't look anymore like a good time at the movies than it already does.

This one hits theaters, this April.

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