The trailer for Clint Eastwood's latest has hit online, Invictus. The film tells the story of Nelson Mandella (played here by Morgan Freeman) becoming President of South Africa and teaming up alongside the captain of South Africa's rugby team (Matt Damon) to get their country to the world cup and unify them as one nation. Take a look:
The trailer was very good, and I must say, I'm extremely excited to see this film. I'm typically a sucker for inspirational sports film in general, but when you give one an extra emotional layer like this one seems to have done, it tends to be something truly special.
The performances from Freeman and Damon seem to be terrific, potential Oscar contention in the acting categories. As always Eastwood is a threat when it comes to directing, and I think the film itself has a shot at Best Picture hopes.
But putting the Oscars aside, I think that this simply looks like a good film, and it's such a joy to see Eastwood making a film that isn't dark and moody, and is actually kind of light.
Look for this one when it hits theaters December 11th.
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