Monday, April 12, 2010

Conan Returns!

For those, like myself, who have been missing some good Conando action to add to the late night line-up, do not fret, cause Conan O'Brien will be returning to television screens this November. The show is currently untitled, but it will be a late night talk show, just like his previous two endeavors, Late Night and The Tonight Show. The show will air on TBS, of all places, and it will bump the George Lopez Show back to a midnight time slot, and Conan will be Lopez's lead in (which if you haven't seen the George Lopez Show, it's actually kind of funny). From what I understand though, was that this move was actually Lopez's idea and not the networks.

I think this is a pretty big win for basic cable and TBS in general, seeing as how the rumors were that Conan was in talks with Fox to bring his shtick to their network. One can assume that by being on basic cable, Conan will have fewer inhibitors and have a broader range of creative freedom, which for a big Conan fan as myself, it should restore Conan to his glory days before The Tonight Show.

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