Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More To My Cause!

So with recent announcements of the old vanguard of filmmakers like Scorsese, and even more esoteric filmmakers like Werner Herzog, making their next projects in 3-D, it's refreshing to find a few in Hollywood that are still opposed to the third dimension.

From a recent interview about his next film Inception, Christopher Nolan was cordial, but pretty much said he isn't all that interested in 3-D. It shouldn't come as a big surprise that director Chris Nolan (The Dark Knight) isn't a big fan of 3-D, primarily because he favors old school tricks over new school, but it's nice that there are actual folks in the industry that have some clout who refuse to believe 3-D is the next big thing. Nolan is known for his minimal use of CG, and for never converting to digital cinema, which I think is Nolan's actual hold-up for filming on 3-D to be honest, but there is more. recently interviewed Nolan's longtime cinematographer, Wally Pfister. Pfister was asked about the possibilities of filming the third Batman film in 3-D, and while he never flat-out bashed 3-D, the same as Nolan, he did say in essence that he thinks it's a fad, and he said something very intriguing that I had yet to hear before, was that him and Nolan were actually asked to shoot Inception in 3-D, and shot the studio down.

I've just gotta say, go Chris and Wally. I believe 3-D is merely a new fad, I don't think it's the big gamechanger as so many in the industry would like you to believe, and I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who hasn't drunk the kool-aid and gone over to the dark side.

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